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2022- Conference- “The Well-Being of the Lebanese Elderly Left Behind Due to the Migration of Their Children.”
Dr. Suzanne Menhem virtually presented, on her behalf and that of the co-authors, Dr. Guita Hourani and Ph.D. Candidate Mohammad Makki, the results of their research on the well-being of the Lebanese elderly left behind due to the migration of their children.
The presentation was a summary drawn from a quantitative survey of 142 households containing at least one elderly person aged 60 or over that was administered in the first half of 2022 in nine districts in Lebanon.
The survey results indicated that adult children's outmigration has a significant impact on their aging parents' overall health and that remittances, although they have a positive impact on the purchasing power of the elderly for their daily needs, cannot substitute for adult children’s absence.
The presentation was simultaneously translated by Ms. Laura Turbay, a journalist from New York. The conference was organized by the Centro Argentino de Investigación Sobre la Inmigración Libanesa (CAIIL) under the title "VII Congreso Internacional De Escritores Y Lectores Por El Líbano." The conference took place in San Juan, Argentina, from October 21 to 22, 2022.
