Co-Founder, Chair of the AB, Migration & Citizenship Expert Ms. Guita HOURANI, Ph.D. Ms. Guita Hourani has a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Global Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan. She is currently an Affiliate Researcher with the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM), Malmö University, in Sweden; an Expert on Citizenship with the European Union’s Democracy Observatory on Citizenship in Italy; and a Country of Origin Information Expert on Lebanon for the Rights in Exile Programme in England. Some of her selected consultancies include: "TOGETHER"-TOwards a Cultural UnderstandinG of thE oTHER Project: Lebanon," EU, 2021-2022; "MYSEA"-Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women… in the blue and green economy: Lebanon," EU, 2020-2022; "The European Union’s South Mediterranean Social Dialogue project: Lebanon," EU, 2021; "Migrant Support Measures From An Employment and Skills Perspective: Lebanon," ETF, 2017; "Assessment of The Impact of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and Their Employment Profile," ILO, 2013; "Proposal on Decent Work for Migrants in the Middle East in Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE", the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, 2013; "Migration Intentions of Iraqi Refugees in Lebanon," ILO, 2010; "Towards Effective Temporary Labor Migration Schemes: Lebanon and Jordan," CARIM-EU, 2011; "Effect of Migration Policies on Human Rights in the European Neigbourhood: The Cases of Georgia, Kosovo and Lebanon," the EU Policy Department, 2011. Some of her recent publications include: "The Survival of the Kurds of Lebanon in the Pre-and Post-Naturalization Periods," a chapter in Survival Strategies of Minorities in the Middle East, edited by Yohei, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2021; Homecomings: Re-integration of Return Migrants in Lebanon, Scholars’ Press, 2019; "Field Research in Environments of Insecurity: Experience from Lebanon," Journal of Asian & African Studies, 2019; "Migration and Religion: A Case of Healing Arabic Amulets among Syriac Orthodox Immigrants in Canada," International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2019; "The Rationale behind the ‘Whiteness’ of the Levantine People in South Africa and the United States," Canadian Journal for Middle East Studies, 2019.