Who We Are

Ms. Suzanne Menhem, Ph.D.

Deputy Director & Research Manager

Dr. Suzanne Menhem is an Assistant Professor and researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences and the Head of the Department of Methodology, Epistemology, and Techniques at Lebanese University, Lebanon. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences with a sub-specialty in Migration Studies from the University of Poitiers, France. She is an expert in field research, project management and implementation. She has rendered her services to projects funded by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the European Union, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES), Institut Français du Proche-Orient (IFPO), ECPACT France, and the Lebanese Center for Migration and Diaspora Studies (LERC), among many others. She has recently implemented surveys and interviews for "TOGETHER"-TOwards a Cultural UnderstandinG of thE oTHER Project an Erasmus funded project and for "MYSEA"-Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing skills, employment, and awareness in the blue and green economy, an EU-ENI-CBCMED project. Dr. Menhem has several publications, the latest of which "La migration des cerveaux et son impact sur le développement socio-économique: parcours des femmes libanaises," La Recherche Scientifique Sur La Diaspora Libanaise, Beyrouth, Liban, 2020; “The Syrian Youth Refugee’s Social and Economic Engagement in Lebanon,” Recent Migrations and Refugees in the MENA Region, Transnational Press London, 2019, “Migration au Liban: Le cas des femmes domestiques,” Afkar, IEMed i Politica Exterior, Barcelona/Madrid, 2019; Gender Equality in Lebanon: Reality, Challenges and Horizons 2000-2018: A Reading from Goal 5. SDG-2030, UNFPA & CRSSS-LU, 2018; and Homecomings: Re-integration of Return Migrants in Lebanon, Scholars’ Press, 2019.
