Who We Are

Ms. Patricia Mihaly-Nabti, Ph.D.

Cultural Anthropology, Migration, and Voluntarism Expert

Ms. Guita Hourani has a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Global Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan. She is currently a Fellow with the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) in Sweden, an Expert on Citizenship with the European Union’s Democracy Observatory on Citizenship in Italy, and a Country of Origin Information Expert on Lebanon for the Rights in Exile Programme in England. Some of her selected consultancies include: "TOGETHER"-TOwards a Cultural UnderstandinG of thE oTHER Project: Lebanon," EU, 2021-2022;  "MYSEA"-Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women… in the blue and green economy: Lebanon," EU, 2020-2022; "The European Union’s South Mediterranean Social Dialogue project: Lebanon," EU, 2021; "Migrant Support Measures From An Employment and Skills Perspective: Lebanon," ETF, 2017;  "Assessment of The Impact of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and Their Employment Profile," ILO, 2013; "Proposal on Decent Work for Migrants in the Middle East in Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE", the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, 2013; "Migration Intentions of Iraqi Refugees in Lebanon," ILO, 2010; "Towards Effective Temporary Labor Migration Schemes: Lebanon and Jordan," CARIM-EU, 2011; "Effect of Migration Policies on Human Rights in the European Neigbourhood: The Cases of Georgia, Kosovo and Lebanon," the EU Policy Department, 2011. Some of her recent publications include: "The Survival of the Kurds of Lebanon in the Pre-and Post-Naturalization Periods," a chapter in Survival Strategies of Minorities in the Middle East, edited by Yohei, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2021; Homecomings: Re-integration of Return Migrants in Lebanon, Scholars’ Press, 2019; "Field Research in Environments of Insecurity: Experience from Lebanon," Journal of Asian & African Studies, 2019; "Migration and Religion: A Case of Healing Arabic Amulets among Syriac Orthodox Immigrants in Canada," International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2019; "The Rationale behind the ‘Whiteness’ of the Levantine People in South Africa and the United States," Canadian Journal for Middle East Studies, 2019.
